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Megan Cloud, DC

Dr. Megan Cloud brings extensive experience to her role as a chiropractor at Kovach Chiropractic. She caters and empowers people to take responsibility for their health. Since everybody is different, she utilizes multiple chiropractic techniques that fit her patient’s body’s needs.

Dr. Cloud received her Bachelors Degree from Salisbury University and completed her doctoral degree in Chiropractic at New York Chiropractic College. She constantly keeps herself up-to-date on the most progressive techniques available. Dr. Cloud is certified in a multitude of treatment varieties including dry needling, Webster technique for pregnant patients, as well as treating babies.

Dr. Cloud believes that patients should be active participants in their health care. She holds herself to the highest standard of care and is dedicated to creating a positive patient experience for every individual.

Dr. Cloud is very active, enjoys exercising, and was a competitive equestrian. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and taking her dog, Ella, on long walks.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130