Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Cancer Treatment and Your Hearing

Some of the drugs that are used in the treatment of cancer can be ototoxic (toxic to the ear). The patient should discuss their medication… Continue Reading

What Is Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is the disease known as caries or cavities. Unlike other diseases, however, caries is not life threatening and is highly preventable, though it… Continue Reading

Eye Exams Essential To Good Health

Periodic, complete eye examinations are an important part of preventive health care. Certain eye diseases can cause damage and vision loss without any apparent signs… Continue Reading

What Causes Periodontal Disease?

Plaque is a mostly invisible film of bacteria that clings to teeth and gums. The bacteria in plaque cause irritation of the tissues that support… Continue Reading

Grinding Troubles With Your Teeth

If you find yourself constantly experiencing restless sleep, followed by a headache or a sore jaw when you wake up, you may be surprised to… Continue Reading

The Joy of Growing Older

Are you past fifty years of age? Or perhaps even beyond sixty-five years, the retirement age for many persons in the United States? Do you… Continue Reading

New Procedure "Washes" Fat Away

LipoDissolve is a series of micro-injections developed to dissolve fat deposits of the face and body. It is an effective treatment option for treating localized… Continue Reading

Enjoyable Meals for the Elderly

Mealtimes are important times for the elderly or ill because they provide a welcome diversion in the day. Meal times are a nice opportunity to… Continue Reading

Foot Fitness, Shoes and Exercise

“I have to lose weight, what shoes should I wear when I exercise?” This question should be asked by all patients prior to beginning any… Continue Reading

A Holistic Approach To Healthy Eating

What to eat? This is a common dilemma of dieters when choosing what type of food to eat. A common choice of dieters is to… Continue Reading

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