Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Obesity Surgery Permanent Weight Loss

Weight loss (bariatric) surgery is a unique field, in that, with one operation a person can be potentially cured of numerous medical diseases including diabetes,… Continue Reading

Three Steps To Holiday-Perfect Skin

If your preparations for the fast-approaching holiday season include hunting for the perfect bag, shoes or jewelry to accessorize your outfits, then consider this your… Continue Reading

Varicose Veins Your Questions

How common are varicose veins? About 50-55% of American women and 40-45% of American men suffer from some form of vein problems. Varicose veins affect… Continue Reading

Is Beauty Only Skin Deep?

We live in a society in which looking good on the outside often times takes precedence over bettering ourselves on the inside. Isnt it easy… Continue Reading

Skin Care and Diabetes

Diabetes can affect every part of the body, including the skin. As many as one third of people with diabetes will have a skin disorder… Continue Reading

Cosmetic Revolution Hits Dentistry -" How's Your Smile?

Would you like whiter teeth? Would you like straighter teeth? Would you like to close the spaces between your teeth? Would a more attractive smile… Continue Reading

Straighten Teeth Without Calling Attention To Them

Very few people have naturally straight teeth, and for years braces where the only option. Not any more. We are proud to introduce Invisalign, a… Continue Reading

Reflect a Beautiful Smile

When you smile in the mirror, are you reflecting pearly white teeth? Since first impressions are everything, make it memorable with a winning smile. A… Continue Reading

Why Do Older Women Have a Harder Time Getting Pregnant?

While men create sperm throughout their adult lives, women are born with a finite number of eggs, approximately 1-2 million. In the average girl, all… Continue Reading

Improve Your Vision and Face Value

When health surveys ask, “What are your most worrisome health fears?”, the answer is often, “loosing my vision”. Yearly eye examinations are the best way… Continue Reading

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