Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Secret To Look Younger and Feel Your Best

You are in a restaurant, glancing over the menu, sipping your drink, when you feel it a smile. You know right away that this isnt… Continue Reading

Hate Your Dull, Yellow Teeth?

Your teeth are one of the first features people notice. Healthy, youthful skin, nice hair, and stylish, attractive clothing dont mean a thing if you… Continue Reading

Laparoscopy Less Pain, Quicker Recovery

Given the choice, anybody who needed surgery would choose laparoscopy minimally invasive surgery with tiny incisions over traditional open surgery. Open surgery uses a large… Continue Reading

Veterans' Benefits for Home and Assisted Living Care

One little-known benefit for veterans and their families is the Aid and Attendance (A&A) benefit. This benefit can be used for care in an assisted… Continue Reading

Botox Versus Fillers

One of the most frequent questions, I am asked as a cosmetic board certified plastic surgeon, is how I do decide between Botox and fillers?… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea Management and Oral Systemic Balance

One effect of sleep apnea is reduction of restful sleep. In other words we are logging in the sleep time but not getting our beauty… Continue Reading

Enhance Your Care With Massage Therapy

For those of you who have tried massage therapy you know nothing is better than having those trouble areas worked out and loosened up by… Continue Reading

A Beautiful Body, Skin Deep

Its amazing really that there is a technology so encompassing as Endermologie Lipomassage. A technology that affects your body from the inside out stimulating circulation,… Continue Reading

The Right Regimen For You

A professional skin care regimen is one of the most important parts of maintaining your skins health. Your skin is not a smooth surface like… Continue Reading

Ears and Air Travel

Ear problems are the most common medical complaint of airplane travelers, and while they are usually simple, minor annoyances, they occasionally result in temporary pain… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130