Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

How Can Aquatic Therapy Benefit You?

Aquatic therapy or pool therapy is an excellent therapeutic low impact activity, which is a beneficial form of physical therapy for a variety of medical… Continue Reading

After An Auto Accident

There are over six million car accidents in the U.S. each year producing over three million injuries and over 40,000 fatalities. No one wakes in… Continue Reading

Don’t Neglect Your Health This Holiday Season

With the upcoming holiday season and all the activity and stress that can entail, your health often can go overlooked. However, it during this season… Continue Reading

Healthy Food For Your Holiday Mood

You probably already know that your Thanksgiving turkey dinner can help you to fall asleep at night. But did you know that turkey and other… Continue Reading

Safety For the Holidays

The time of year is coming when there are many festivities. We have Thanksgiving, Hanakau, Christmas and the New Year Celebration, just to name a… Continue Reading

Teen Girls The Newest Fitness Demographic

MP3 players, MySpace, Facebook, video games, Instant Messages, and text messages. There are so many reasons for teens to stay sedentary in this age of… Continue Reading

Bone Pain and Breast Cancer

Pain is not a factor that is normally associated with early stages of breast cancer. The absence of pain makes performing a monthly breast self-exam… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Getting Well and Staying Well Over the Holidays

Here we go into the holiday season with all the activities, get-togethers, and parties that go along with that. Of course, however, along with the… Continue Reading

Financial Impact of Healthy Habits

It is heartening for me to witness the growth of the massage industry, and not simply because I personally stand to benefit as a business… Continue Reading

How To Help Your Favorite Charity

There are many ways each of us can help our favorite charitable interest. However, some ways are better suited to certain donors while other methods… Continue Reading

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