Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Prescription Drug Safety

The recent rash of celebrity deaths caused by accidental overdose of prescription medication has everyone looking closer at their medicine cabinet. Many prescribed medications for… Continue Reading

Treat Period Pain With Acupuncture

Many women and young girls are distressed by painful periods (dysmenorrhoea). Severe pain can lead to women taking time off work or from school or… Continue Reading

The Eyes Are the Window To the Soul

The phrase, “the eyes are the window to the soul” was first quoted by Saint Mathew around 50 AD and by many others throughout history…. Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Weight Loss Many Roads To Rome

Being overweight is perhaps the most common health concern that people have. Sometimes they bring it to their physicians attention, perhaps more often it just… Continue Reading

Fibromyalgia Management

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) affects approximately 10-12% of the U.S. population. This medical condition is the most common chronic, widespread pain syndrome and 30% of patients… Continue Reading

Allergic Reactions To Vaccines

It is hard to give an accurate estimate of true allergic reactions to vaccines. Research that has been done in this area varies in the… Continue Reading

Who Handles the Finances In Your Family?

Often a couple may divide up everyday chores. One person may take care of cooking and cleaning, while the other person may assume mowing the… Continue Reading

Red Eyes

Eye redness is a symptom that frequently leads patients to seek medical attention. Various conditions can cause red eyes. Some are mild and self-limiting while… Continue Reading

Information Technology In Healthcare

While technology now permeates nearly every aspect of our existence, it is curious that most physicians offices and hospitals still utilize a simple pen and… Continue Reading

Treating Depression With a Prescription To Exercise

Recent research indicates that exercise may be more effective than prescription drugs in treating depression. Reports on the effectiveness of exercise therapy on psychological well-being… Continue Reading

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