Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Ladies Take a Deep Breath

This issue of Your Health Magazine is devoted to women's health, and just in time, too. Women tend to take care of everyone else, often… Continue Reading

Porcelain Inlay Restorations

When you have cavities or old silver fillings, you have choices to make to decide how you want the filling to look. One of those… Continue Reading

Are You Toxic? Six Factors Destroying Your Health

Over 80,000 chemicals are being used daily in the US. Scientists studying the human body burden uncovered an average of 171 pollutants/toxins and 56 carcinogens… Continue Reading

Whiplash Injuries You Might Have Whiplash and Not Know It

Did you know that eight of 10 people who see chiropractic doctors complaining of headaches or nervousness have been in auto accidents? Did you know… Continue Reading

When Cancer Strikes

A diagnosis of cancer is frightening to most of us. The very word can evoke anxiety about long and confusing treatment, personal adjustment and well-being… Continue Reading

Posture For Health

Sit up straight, shoulders back, stand tall; all of those little reminders our mothers gave us while we were growing up weren't just to pick… Continue Reading

Advanced Audiological (Hearing) Testing

Many people with hearing loss often experience added symptoms of dizziness (vertigo), unbalanced hearing between ears, ringing (tinnitus) and/or pressure in the ears. Audiologists are… Continue Reading

Balancing Quality With Longevity Avastin Fallout

“The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important.” These words spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were meant to inspire… Continue Reading

Don't Make This $900,000 Mistake Important Car Insurance Policy Information

The summer is a great time to do a checkup on your car insurance policy. Do you understand what your policy does and does not… Continue Reading

Get Your Kids Out Of a Food Rut

Kids are usually more interested in eating an item (even a healthy item) if it's something that they've made themselves. Here are some tips to… Continue Reading

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