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Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion by the pancreas, or action,… Continue Reading

Causes Of Hair Loss, Part 3 Female Pattern Baldness

Q. What is the difference between female and male hair loss? Female hair loss occurs in more than one pattern. Women tend to have less… Continue Reading

Resolution Rule #1

Of the 40-45% of American adults who make resolutions each year, most resolve to improve their lifestyle by losing weight, exercising more, stopping smoking, and… Continue Reading

A New Smile In the New Year With Invisalign

Start your new year with a new healthy smile and gums. Using Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without interfering with your day-to-day life. Invisalign… Continue Reading

Smoking Causes More Than Lung Cancer

The classic New Year’s resolutions are to diet and quit smoking. In case anyone needs help to rationalize smoking cessation, here are two lesser-known cancers… Continue Reading

Development and Healing Of Chronic Disorders

Many people are increasingly interested in alternative approaches to medicine, which opens the door to look at disease and healing in a different way, and… Continue Reading

Combating Acid Reflux (GERD)

The American Gastroenterological Association estimates that 33% of Americans have acid reflux disease. Gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach contents travel up,… Continue Reading

Resolve To Succeed

This time of year, we often make promises to ourselves. We say that we're going to get back into the gym; we're going to eat… Continue Reading

A Perfect Smile Fast

Achieving a beautiful smile used to take forever, or so it seemed. Any adult who wore braces as a teen knew that inevitably their senior… Continue Reading

A Diabetic's Role In Preventing Blindness From Diabetes

Complications of diabetes in the eyes, kidneys, and blood vessels occur more frequently when the condition is of longer duration and poorly controlled. With diabetes,… Continue Reading

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