Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Can a New Chemical Peel Really Be Different?

The quest for skin rejuvenation and maintaining a youthful appearance dates back to the earliest civilizations. In fact, the use of chemical peels for skin… Continue Reading

Ways To Approach "Tough Conversations" With Mom Or Dad

Many adult children realize that they have no idea where their parents stand in terms of having the right plans in place to protect their… Continue Reading

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Stress Response

The mindless act of breathing is the most fundamental body function. This explains the focus of cardio-pulmonary-resuscitation (CPR) is first airway and breathing, then circulation…. Continue Reading

The Sleep-Diabetes Link

Sleep is an essential part of life, and poor sleep habits have been associated with a number health problems such as obesity, decreased immune function,… Continue Reading

3-D Dental Imaging and Implants

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), a type of 3D technology, is now available that offers new options for dental implant patients. CBCT produces an extremely… Continue Reading

Longer, Darker, Thicker Natural Eyelashes

In December 2008, the FDA approved Latisse, the first drug approved to promote eyelash growth, making them longer, thicker and darker. It is available only… Continue Reading

Protecting Your Family From Financial Collapse Purchasing Car Insurance

Every year, thousands of Virginia residents go through the process of dealing with their car insurance company in some way or another. Many people will… Continue Reading


Smartlipo is best thought of as a niche for regular liposuction. It shares certain similarities to regular liposuction but also has certain advantages over regular… Continue Reading

When Vitamins Meet Heart Disease and Diabetes

It is widely known that heart disease and diabetes are two of the leading health threats facing Americans today. Seemingly most cases of heart disease… Continue Reading

Shovel Safe This Winter

Global warming? Not this winter. Snow has already come and we are sure to get more. With that in mind, I thought some tips on… Continue Reading

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