Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Don't Let School Or Work Performance Anxiety Hold You Back

Now more than ever, American students are expected to perform at their highest level at all times. These expectations create a competitive environment in which… Continue Reading

How Toxic Are You? Six Chemical Toxins Found In Virtually Every Human

The question is no longer if we are toxic, but, how toxic are we? Initial exposure to toxins actually begins while a baby is still… Continue Reading

Overcoming Perfectionism

Do you feel like what you do is never quite good enough? Or believe that you have to do everything flawlessly or else you may… Continue Reading

Soft Tissue Injuries Cold Low-Level Laser Healing

People who have cervical sprains, disc herniations, frozen shoulders, sciatica and many other soft tissue injuries, seek relief in a number of ways. These problems… Continue Reading

Look Forward To Spring Without Allergies

The arrival of spring is always welcome after the long, cold dreary months of winter. But along with the sunny days, budding trees and flowers… Continue Reading

Ancient Wisdom Modern Wellness

I recently completed an intensive, 200 hour, total immersion yoga teacher training course. Wow. What an experience. The physical regimen was challenging, but what interested… Continue Reading

Job Burnout As a Gift

The atmosphere of the workplace has changed dramatically in recent times. Finding personal fulfillment through our work has become more of a challenge. Progressive occupational… Continue Reading

How To Tell If You Suffer From Allergies

Q. What is Allergic Rhinitis? A. Allergic rhinitis is a medical term for an inflammation of the nasal airways that occurs when you breathe in… Continue Reading

Diabetes, Neuropathy, and Your Feet

Millions of Americans suffer from diabetes. Many people with diabetes suffer from diabetic neuropathy, or in simpler terms nerve damage/disorder. Diabetic neuropathies are a family… Continue Reading

Put a Spring Into Your Health With More Raw Foods

Renewal is everywhere this time of year, but it's not just flowers and trees that get new life it's us too. Getting moving with activity… Continue Reading

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