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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Venus Seleme, DC, CCSP
Soft Tissue Injuries Cold Low-Level Laser Healing
Dr. Venus Seleme

Soft Tissue Injuries Cold Low-Level Laser Healing

People who have cervical sprains, disc herniations, frozen shoulders, sciatica and many other soft tissue injuries, seek relief in a number of ways. These problems cause pain, loss of quality of life, lost time from work and can be very debilitating.

A company called Erchonia produces a “cold” low-level laser (LLL), which some have called “the therapy” of the 21st century when it comes to healing these problems. The low-level laser is safe and easy to use. It is both doctor and patient friendly.

Research has demonstrated that a wavelength of 633-635 nanometers is the frequency that, in many cases, is the most optimal for healing bruises, wounds, sprains and tears of soft tissue in the human body. The Erchonia cold laser is an instrument that, with a precise and high quality diode, delivers a line-generated beam at a constant wavelength of 635 nanometers and at a power level of less than one milliwatt.

High-power, “hot” lasers have shorter wavelengths, which have catabolic effects that can deliberately destroy tissue. This is not so with the low-power or “cold” laser, which has a longer wavelength, therefore produces anabolic effects that promote rapid reduction of pain, accelerate healing time and growth, and repair in soft tissue injuries.

Cold lasers have stimulative effects rather than destructive ones. It may be the perfect conjunctive tool for chiropractic treatments and myofascial release. Clinical applications of the cold laser have included acute and chronic pain reduction from many soft tissue injuries, reduced inflammation, enhanced tissue healing, and healthy cell regeneration. Studies have shown results with very rapid pain reduction and accelerated recovery times, far exceeding conventional methods.

Biological Effects Of Cold Laser

Rapid Healthy Cell Growth Accelerates cellular reproduction and growth, essential for disc injuries.

Faster Wound Healing Stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue. This speeds up recovery with neck, back and ankle sprains.

Reducing Fibrous Tissue Formation Reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, scratches, burns or surgery.

Anti-Inflammatory Action Reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints to give enhanced joint mobility.

Increasing Vascular Activity Induces temporary vasodilation, increasing blood flow to damaged areas.

Stimulating Nerve Function Slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue can result in “dead” limbs or numb areas. Laser light speeds the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring the numb areas back to life. It is very helpful in whiplash and sciatic nerve injuries.
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