Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

1 in 6 Will Experience a Dental Emergency This Year

At one time or another we are all likely to experience a dental emergency. Here are some tips on what to do and what not… Continue Reading

Light Therapy For Hair Loss

Perhaps you’ve tried lotions, potions, or considered radical or expensive hair replacement techniques. Maybe you’ve just ignored it. But the fact is, you’re losing your… Continue Reading

Have You "Charged" Your Eyeglasses Today?

A new device has joined smartphones, iPads and music players that you charge overnight electronic eyeglasses. These glasses have tiny batteries, microchips and assorted electronics… Continue Reading

Is Cloudy Vision Complicating Your Life?

You may be wondering, what are cataracts and will you need surgery for them? Perhaps you have been told by an eye doctor that you… Continue Reading

Tourette's Syndrome and Chinese Medicine

Tourette's Syndrome (TS) is a neurological condition in which signals from the brain cause a person to involuntarily twitch, tic, sniff, utter vocal noises, and… Continue Reading

Aromatherapy An All-Natural Way To Support Good Health and Healing

Aromatherapy is the use of natural plants aromatics (essential oils) to evoke physical, mental, emotional, energetic or spiritual change. These essential oils can be used… Continue Reading

Compounding In a Retail Pharmacy

Compounding combines an ageless art with the latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, allowing specially trained professionals to prepare customized medication to meet each patient's… Continue Reading

Understanding and Treating Neuropathy

Neuropathy is damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system, which may be caused either by diseases of or trauma to the nerve or the… Continue Reading

Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease

Scientists have linked periodontal disease to heart disease and strokes, identifying chronically inflamed gums as a significant risk factor. Toxic bacteria in the bloodstream and… Continue Reading

Are Hypoallergenic Pets Really Hypoallergenic?

The prevalence of human allergy to pets has increased over the past several decades, with most individuals being sensitive to cats and dogs. At 62… Continue Reading

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