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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Acupuncture & Hypnosis
Acupuncture & Hypnosis

Acupuncture & Hypnosis

Because acupuncture has been a main form of medical and health treatment for thousands of years in many of the most populated parts of the world it had to evolve to treat pretty much every life issue. Even with the wonders of our current medical technology, discoveries and advances, acupuncture is a partner and helpmate to all other types of treatment methods.
Injuries that include bone breaks, sprains, pulled muscles, burns, cuts, pain, tenderness etc. can all be helped with acupuncture. Yes, see a physician. They will get things set, cleaned up and put you in a terrific position to start healing. Acupuncture supports a person to ease pain, both physical and emotional, it helps people regain flexibility, bruises clear faster, moods improve dramatically, and tenderness and stiffness are alleviated. A person can recuperate from injuries and surgeries faster and easier.
People who are going through life stages and processes such as menstrual cycles, fertility, childbirth, ageing, menopause, career frustrations, sleep difficulties, body function issues such as digestion and bowels all can be helped by acupuncture. It can contribute to healing and everyday life improvement along with other actions you take for your health such as medications, eating right for you, exercise and having fun. Acupuncture keeps your body moving and changing smoothly and easily. Whether you realize it or not, your body is constantly moving and changing. Consequently as we move through life stages and processes it can just be easier and more comfortable, which makes everything else better.
Hypnosis offers an alternative way to complement your conventional medical treatment as well.
Are you getting ready for a medical procedure? A person who is anxious about a medical procedure will cause the entire body to tense up, resulting in tight muscles, higher blood pressure, constricted blood flow, etc. When, however, the procedure is preceded with hypnosis, the results are truly dramatic! Hypnosis assists the patient in reducing or eliminating anxiety. The side affects of this are little or no anxiety, a body that is relaxed and even supportive of the procedure to take place. Better still, post-operatively, recovery is faster with fewer complications and usually with reduced pain medications. Less time spent in the hospital is a good thing!
Haven’t been to the dentist in a while? Is this due to little fear or procrastination? Taking care of our teeth is important! Hypnosis can reduce or eliminate all of those reasons that you’ve using to keep you from maintaining a beautiful smile.
Are you suffering from fear, anxiety, stress, or find that you can’t sleep soundly? Are you taking medications to deal with these issues? Hypnosis can help reduce the need for using medications. Been trying to quit cigarettes? Hypnosis has a great track record for helping people quit. In fact, I’m sure that you know someone who has used hypnosis for stopping smoking.
How about eating or exercising? Hypnosis can help to change your relationship with your body and the food that you put into it. Let’s face it, when you are eating and exercising properly, you go to the doctor less frequently.
Acupuncture and hypnosis offer alternative ways to complement traditional medical care, and from a preventative view, these alternatives can reduce the need for traditional medical care.
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