Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Does Therapy Work?

People often say that they have tried therapy in the past without experiencing success or satisfaction. People leave therapy before they're emotionally stable and healthy… Continue Reading

Holiday Drivers

It's that wonderful time of year again; the holiday season. Amidst the gifts, parties, and last year's failed New Year's resolutions, many people forget that… Continue Reading

Understanding Integrative Medicine The Rule of Tens

It's not unusual that when someone first begins taking an integrative approach to a health problem they quickly feel as though there are dozens of… Continue Reading

Gum Disease A Serious Health Threat

Research compiled over the last five years suggests that gum disease, especially if the condition has persisted for a long time without treatment, can contribute… Continue Reading

Hypnosis Evidence Based and Effective

For some people, the word “hypnosis” brings up images of swinging watches and swirling spirals. The media misrepresents it. This misrepresentation of hypnosis in television,… Continue Reading

Accent Your Face and Body

For people who are looking for new technology to help firm loose skin, wrinkles or dimpled skin, radiofrequency devices have become a good choice, and… Continue Reading

Technologies Revolutionizing the Skin Tightening Industry

Non-surgical skin tightening and body contouring has come a long way and continues to do so. The concept of inducing controlled injury to skin in… Continue Reading

Adolescents and Tooth Whitening A Sensitive Subject

The first question most patients ask when they come to our office is, “How can I whiten my teeth?” Cosmetic bleaching is indeed an excellent… Continue Reading

Natural Way To Beauty With Massage Therapy

Beauty blooms from within, some say. Life is jammed with functions that attack your body and mind. Daily activities that overuse and weaken your muscles… Continue Reading

Winter Skin Solutions

Winter weather can stir up all kinds of trouble for the skin, often bringing with it a slew of seasonal villains that can leave skin… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130