Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Why Vitamin E Oil Should Be Your New Best Friend

Vitamin E oil has many benefits; you may want to consider applying it all the time. You can use it to reduce those leftover summer… Continue Reading

Massage Therapy Relieves Hypertension

Stress has a pivotal role in the development of disease, accounting for the majority of debilitating and fatal diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and… Continue Reading

Why You Should Wear Your Hearing Aids Consistently

“I only need to wear my hearing aids when I go out or when people are around” is one of the worst decisions someone could… Continue Reading

Facial Rejuvenation When To Consider Surgery?

As much as a person wishes to avoid surgery of any type, there comes a time when surgery is the appropriate choice to remedy a… Continue Reading

The Top Advances In Oncology In the Last 50 Years

The American Society of Clinical Oncology as part of the 50th anniversary published the five top advances in clinical oncology as voted by physicians/patients and… Continue Reading

Getting Back To What You Love The End Of Knee Pain

Knee pain doesn't discriminate. It affects the athlete, who had to give up basketball, because his knees ached with every step; the grandmother, who can't… Continue Reading

The Pain Relieving Power Of Epidural Injections

If you are suffering from acute or chronic back and/or leg pain, epidural injections may offer you substantial pain relief without surgery. This procedure, also… Continue Reading

CPAP Intolerance

Diagnosing sleep apnea and treating it are two very important but different things. Since sleep apnea is a life-threatening issue it's critical that once you… Continue Reading

Food and Your Face

There are lots of ways to protect your skin. A nice hat, SPF 15 and up, and avoid tanning beds. But what you put on… Continue Reading

Seasonal Transition Issues

Welcome Autumn!This is the season where we savor the fruits and gifts of late summer and prepare for the upcoming winter. Whether conscious of it… Continue Reading

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