Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Beauty From Within Authentic Pilates Method

Who Was Joseph Pilates? Born in Germany in 1880, Joseph H. Pilates had a lifelong interest in body conditioning. As a frail child dedicated to… Continue Reading

Home Healthcare For The New Year

New Years is here and a great way to ring it in would be to coordinate with your primary care physician and get the home… Continue Reading

Star Wars and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Part 2

Part 2 Anatomically consider Jabba-the-Hutt as a slug (shell-less snail) merged or integrated with a wheelbarrow. All of this is muscle. As the tongue the,… Continue Reading

I Think I Need To Apply For Disability Benefits But Where Do I Turn?

Most people know that when they get hurt and can no longer work, they can often apply for disability benefits. The tricky part is that… Continue Reading

Concussion and Vestibular Rehabilitation

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury which makes it difficult for the brain to function properly. For some people, the effects of a… Continue Reading

More Choices For Area Health Care Consumers

Ask enough people about the difference between urgent care centers, emergency rooms and primary care offices, and many different perceptions and opinions emerge. It can… Continue Reading

How To Have a Stress Free Holiday Season

In our daily living, life can flash by without us even being aware of it. Urban living has become an extremely fast paced run to… Continue Reading

Managing Grief During the Holidays

It's holiday time. A time to rejoice and be happy with family and friends. Are you reading this saying “are you kidding me?” Instead you… Continue Reading

Stress and Immunity During the Holiday Season

'Tis the season for family get togethers, celebrations and festivities of this time of year. For some of us that may mean extra unnecessary stress,… Continue Reading

Myofascial Stretching

What is myofascial stretching? When you think of stretching you likely think of activities familiar from being in gym class sitting on the floor and… Continue Reading

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