Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Diabetes Is the New Heart Disease

Diabetes is the new heart disease. Coronary heart disease used to be the primary health concern on most people's minds, but from the 1960's to… Continue Reading

Healthy Heart

If you have been diagnosed with heart disease or have been identified by your doctor as having health risks associated with heart disease such as… Continue Reading

Resolute Change At the Core

So you've set the resolution. You're going to the gym, you've eaten better, and you're eating more sporadically. But something is still not right. You… Continue Reading

The Overall Effects Of Disability

Disability has a profound effect on an affected individual. But, the effects of disability are even greater when you consider the entire general population. The… Continue Reading

Metabolism Matters

Two-thirds of Americans are overweight. In most cases of significant weight gain, high blood pressure, adult on-set diabetes and other chronic illness will result. Research… Continue Reading

Eastern Medicine and Weight Loss

Managing weight is a major concern for many people. Being overweight can contribute to several significant health risks including heart disease (the #1 killer in… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Stroke

Stroke is one of the most deadly disorders in the U.S. Current medical treatments for stroke are limited and do not always achieve optimal results…. Continue Reading

Alzheimer's and Dementia Wandering and Getting Lost

Anyone who has memory problems and is able to walk is at risk for wandering and getting lost. A person with Alzheimer's or dementia even… Continue Reading

Help For Pain When Back Surgery Fails

Spine surgeons perform back surgery to reduce or eliminate a patient's chronic back or leg pain due to a spinal nerve compression. If you've had… Continue Reading

Being a Heart Healthy Woman

Even though heart disease is the most common killer of women, ladies often chalk up the symptoms to less life-threatening conditions like acid reflux or… Continue Reading

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