Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

The Search For the Perfect Eye

Your eyes should be the windows to your soul, not to your age. Your eyes are the windows to years gone by. The majority of… Continue Reading

Dealing With Difficult People

Imagine a life in which everything always goes your way. There are no problems, no money worries, no health concerns and no difficult people. Most… Continue Reading

Natural Fat Clearance

Sometimes stubborn fat withstands any diet and fitness efforts, no matter how hard you try. And that is why UltraShape, an FDA cleared technology, is… Continue Reading

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in adults, aged 20-70. Nearly half of all people with diabetes will develop some degree of diabetic… Continue Reading

A New You for 2016

After the new year when the holidays are over, it's time to do something for yourself, like improving those areas you may be self-conscious about… Continue Reading

What You Need To Know About Psoriasis

Statistics from the National Psoriasis Foundation reveal that 7.5 million people in our country, just over two percent of our population, suffer the effects of… Continue Reading

Got Body Fat? Here's the Quickest Way To Lose It.

Now that the New Year's rush has died down at the gym, it's time to evaluate just how effective your fitness regime really is. Do… Continue Reading

What's In Your Water?

These days there is fear of almost everything because everything, in some way, can be considered toxic and dangerous. Even the tap water in our… Continue Reading

New Technology To Improve Your Skin

For many of us, getting a facial is a calming indulgence akin to a massage or a pedicure though, maybe not as frequent. But getting… Continue Reading

Smoking and Gum Disease

One often-overlooked health issue that smoking can have is on your gums. If you're a smoker, you may begin to notice several of the dental… Continue Reading

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