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Air Benders
What's In Your Water?
AirBenders, LLC
. https://www.airbenders.com/

What's In Your Water?

These days there is fear of almost everything because everything, in some way, can be considered toxic and dangerous. Even the tap water in our homes comes under scrutiny due to recent studies that show that there could be unintended contaminants in the water we drink that are toxic or could cause harmful side effects.

Water authorities across the country monitor water for purity and levels of toxic substances in the water. As this process goes on, and more research is done, new challenges emerge.

The process of disinfecting water using chlorine and similar chemicals can also have the unintended side effects of producing what are called disinfection byproducts (DBPs).

When chlorine interacts with other substances found in your water, disinfection byproducts (DBPs) can form. There are studies to determine the effects of these DBPs, and where they are found. In other words, the DBPs found in one region might not be the same as those found in another region.

Studies show that in certain places DBPs have formed that can cause

Increased skin irritation risks

Respiratory irritation and fatigue

Weakening of your immune system

In addition, there are many household products, especially cleaners, that produce chemicals that are toxic. These invisible chemical vapors can cause significant risks including increasing your risk of asthma, airway inflammation and respiratory allergies. Chloroform gas alone can cause dizziness, nausea and general fatigue.

Here are some typical sources that can release chlorine vapors into your indoor environment and contribute to poor air quality

Dishwashers Most people wash their dishes using hot water, and many even use the “hot” dry cycle as well. This generates steam, which can hold other chemicals that can easily be released into the air you breathe.

Washing Machines Using cold water to wash your clothes certainly helps minimize vapor release. But washing your clothes in chlorinated water can embed chemicals into the clothes you wear, potentially leading to rashes and other irritations.

Toilets The flushing action of a toilet potentially releases chlorine vapors into your indoor environment. Regardless of the flushing, unfiltered water just sitting in the bowl has the potential to release chemical vapors.

Although these are minimal in most cases, and the World Health Organization says they are from 100 to one million times less likely to cause death than pathogens, it might be a good idea to have your water tested.

In order to avoid any possible risk from water born contaminants, many people have chosen to have a whole house water filtration system installed. This type of system purifies the water and even makes it taste better.

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