Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Four Secrets For the Best Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin

Botox has now overtaken Viagra to become the most publicly recognized medical treatment. Now there are also two new treatments to safely smooth out your… Continue Reading

The Best Spring Fruits and Veggies

This time of year is one of the best times for fresh produce. Spring fruits and vegetables are a great choice for anyone who cares… Continue Reading

Strong Bones Does a Body Great

Drink Milk Calcium and vitamin D helps protect bones, but many Americans fall short on both nutrients. If you're getting two to three servings of… Continue Reading

Medical Causes Of Hearing Loss

Pinpointing a particular cause for an individual's decreased hearing ability is not usually possible. Hearing loss may occur as a result of the aging process,… Continue Reading

Metastatic Thyroid Cancer

Metastatic thyroid cancer is not very common. Distant spread most commonly occurs in the lungs and bones. For many years the only treatment option was… Continue Reading

Senior Wellnes The Best Tips For Health In Spring

After a long and dark winter, you might feel inspired to make changes to enhance your health. If that is the case, read on to… Continue Reading

Are You Considering a Tummy Tuck?

With the procedure called abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck”, a patient can realize the fullest correction of undesirable changes in the abdominal and torso area. These… Continue Reading

Golf/Tennis Elbow Pain Alleviated By Platelet Treatments

A recent study found that patients experiencing elbow pain reported a 55.1% improvement in pain scores 12 weeks after treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP),… Continue Reading

Occupational Therapy Improves Quality Of Life For Those With Sensory Processing Disorder

Does your child cover his/her ears or start crying when airplanes fly bywhen a leaf blower is usedwhen a blender turns on? Does your child… Continue Reading

Express Yourself Reducing Challenging Behaviors With Functional Communication

A young boy hides under a slide with a grimace on his face and hands tightly clasped over his ears. Children whiz by him, laughing… Continue Reading

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