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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Craig Person, MD
Are You Considering a Tummy Tuck?
Precision Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Are You Considering a Tummy Tuck?

With the procedure called abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck”, a patient can realize the fullest correction of undesirable changes in the abdominal and torso area. These changes may have resulted from pregnancy, weight gain, development of laxity, or generalized aging. They may consist of excessive fatty areas, loose skin with stretch marks, an unsightly umbilicus, as well as unwanted fatty deposits in the hips and back areas.

Many patients will complain of the abdomen folding over when they sit down or put on a seat belt. In addition women will also complain of fullness in areas of the back below the bra strap.

An abdominoplasty incorporates several techniques including liposuction to rejuvenate this area. For many patients, this surgical treatment when combined with a sensible diet and exercise regimen will yield an improved appearance to the abdominal area that will last for many years.

There are several levels of abdominoplasty surgery depending on the needs and desires of the patient. A mini-abdominoplasty is utilized in patients who are usually younger and have slight excess fullness of the abdomen without significant skin deformities such as stretch marks. This procedure leaves a small, horizontal scar just above the pubic area. In a mini-abdominoplasty no significant alteration of the umbilicus is performed.

With a moderate abdominoplasty, the scar in the lower abdomen becomes longer extending from hip bone to hip bone. This scar will still be hidden in most swimwear. In this procedure excess skin is removed and the underlying abdominal wall and muscles are tightened. Some alteration of the umbilicus is usually performed with this type of abdominoplasty.

With a full abdominoplasty, not only is the extended horizontal incision utilized but also greater modifications are done of the abdominal wall. By tightening the abdominal wall and muscles in the middle, there is a general flattening of the abdomen. Some patients are even candidates for an additional procedure called a corsetplasty, which actually narrows the width of the waist. In this procedure the umbilicus is actually moved to a new position after the extra skin is pulled down and secured in the lower abdomen.

An abdominoplasty will take anywhere from two hours for mini-abdominoplasty to 3.5-4 hours for the more extensive abdominoplasty. Usually a patient will take off two weeks from work activities following the more extensive abdominoplasty surgeries. Return to light exercise can be done as early as four weeks; however, more aggressive exercise would not be engaged in for at least 6-8 weeks.

During the initial phase of recovery, the patient will be given an elastic support garment that will be worn around-the-clock except for bathing. This helps to secure the adhesion of the abdominal skin and tissue in its desired location.

The surgical scars are the most prominent in the initial 2-3 months. These will gradually fade with time. For patients anticipating an event in which they would like to “show off” their new abdominal contour, it is recommended that surgery should be done at least two months prior to it.

Although a patient will immediately notice a significant improvement in their abdominal contours after the surgery, with the passage of time further refinements and improvements will be noted. In addition, approximately 20% of patients may desire and request additional surgery to touch up certain areas or to address new areas which concern them such as thighs, arms, or the back.
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