Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Emotional Dishonesty and Toxic Shame

Self-image is the story you learned to tell yourself about who you are. It developed and formed in childhood from wounded significant people, who don't… Continue Reading

Look Younger With Cosmetic Dentistry

How can you look 10+ years younger in just a few weeks or sometimes just one appointment without surgery? By seeing your dentist! A whiter,… Continue Reading

Paint Away the Stress

Stress plagues modern humans. Our bodies are hardwired to use stress to ensure our survival. If we saw a predator, our stress response would heighten… Continue Reading

Acupuncture, Grief, and Renewal

“My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.” -Chinese proverb Benjamin Franklin once said, “The only things certain in life… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

The Vicious Circle Of Stress

Everyone is stressed in some way shape or form. Be it commuting two hours a day, dealing with finances, our health or the health of… Continue Reading

McKenzie Exercise and Centralization

Acute low back pain patients are a challenge to say the least. However, a New Zealand physiotherapist, named Robin McKenzie has developed a treatment approach… Continue Reading

Plagued By Mysterious Mouth Ulcers?

Do you ever get sores in your mouth that seem to appear for no reason and then disappear just as mysteriously? Chances are they're aphthous… Continue Reading

Addressing Your Loved Ones' Hearing Loss

According to a Better Hearing Institute survey, more than half of new first-time owners of hearing aids indicated that family members were a key factor… Continue Reading

Childhood Obesity

The modern day lifestyle has resulted in increased childhood obesity. When children are seriously over weight, this can lead to overweight teenagers and adults. As… Continue Reading

Considering Dental Implants?

Benefits Of a Fixed Bridge On Implants When all teeth are missing or in such condition that they need to be replaced, a fixed bridge… Continue Reading

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