Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no external noise is present. It is most commonly described as ringing in the ears, but patients may… Continue Reading

Choosing Aesthetics As a Profession

Some people wonder why an internal medicine doctor chooses to perform cosmetic procedures, and offers these as part, or all, of their practice. Gaining specialized… Continue Reading

Laser Fat Removal

In this day and age, people concerned about fat in places they don't want it have many options to choose from, and want to have… Continue Reading

Is Fish Oil For You?

The popularity of fish oil has tripled. Numerous studies have found that fish oil can help cholesterol levels, postpartum depression, neurologic diseases and even inflammatory… Continue Reading

Create a Great Relationship With Yourself

When you work out, you need to put in your maximum effort. That means you need to create a great relationship with yourself so you… Continue Reading

What To Eat For Vibrant Skin

Anti-aging secrets are an extremely hot topic. We all want to learn the best tricks of aging slowly, gracefully, and most of all naturally. With… Continue Reading

Acupuncture and Parkinson's Patients

What is your optimal quality of life? What do you want to do that you are not able to do right now? These are questions… Continue Reading

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 101

Surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (part of NIH), have found that approximately 75% of… Continue Reading

Mental Health And Complementary and Alternative Medicine

As our understanding of diseases has grown it has led to the realization that individuals vary in their response to treatment. This has led to… Continue Reading

Fighting Fair

All couples experience conflict. This is a normal and expected part of any relationship. While an occasional argument might be unavoidable and can even ultimately… Continue Reading

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