Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Vitamin D For Cold and Flu Prevention

Germs and the flu virus exist everywhere you go, however you have a lot more control over getting sick then you think. Both your current… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Maybe It’s Not Irritable Bowel?

Over three million people will be diagnosed with irritable bowel each year. Irritable bowel can dramatically affect peoples lives from the unpleasantness of bloating, constipation… Continue Reading

Better Posture, the All-Around View Through Training In the Feldenkrais Method

If you feel that your posture could be improved, what do you think it would take to improve it? And how long would it take?… Continue Reading

Social Anxiety Diminished By Brain Signals and Re-Thinking

For people with social anxiety, even everyday encounters with others can cause an agonizing degree of apprehension. This problem, affecting three to 13% U.S. adults, may… Continue Reading

Pay Attention To Your Stool: It Provides Great Insight Into Your Gut Health

It may sound gross but how often do you pay attention to your stool? Many may not realize it but your stool can actually provide… Continue Reading

Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Behavioral Training “Neurons that fire together wire together”

It was once believed that the brain was hard-wired and fixed. The belief was that the adult brain could not change.  However, research over the… Continue Reading

Myopia: Causes and Preventions

Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when your eyes grow too long, or the cornea, the clear protective front layer of your eye, is too curved. Light… Continue Reading

Winter Safety Tips To Prevent Injury

One of the first things to remember with the upcoming winter season is to dress appropriately and wear layers that will allow for adjustment to… Continue Reading

Slip and Fall Tips

Falls are the second leading cause of accidents in the home and account for 8.9 million trips to the emergency room every year. Fortunately, most… Continue Reading

Holiday Beauty At Any Age

This year, women and men of all ages are increasingly choosing non-surgical methods to improve their appearance and look more youthful, rather than going under… Continue Reading

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