Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Coronavirus and Your Hearing Health

How is the coronavirus affecting your hearing health? The symptoms of COVID-19 do not specifically target the ears. But, associated stress can. According to a… Continue Reading

Coronavirus and Social Isolation

Is a relative depressed? Is money holding out or does the stock market swing create anxiety? Do you know where to get subsidies? Are family… Continue Reading

Janice R. Trent, AuD

New Technology: Open Ear Hearing

At one time or another every young child has stubbornly covered his or her ears to muffle unwelcome speech, proclaiming to the speaker, “I can’t… Continue Reading

Stage III Melanoma

Melanoma is a skin cancer that affects the skin cells that produce melanin. Stage III melanoma is when the cancer cells have spread to the… Continue Reading

The Truth About Energy Bars

Whether they are called energy bars, snack bars, health bars, or sport bars, these compact foods can boost enough content comparable to an average meal,… Continue Reading

Could You Have Leaky Gut

There are many places you may have heard about leaky gut syndrome, but there is one place where it’s not often discussed: your doctor’s office…. Continue Reading

Non-Invasive Body Sculpting

What were you goals at the beginning of the year? Have you met your goals? Are you moving in the right direction? Is it hard… Continue Reading

To Stretch Or Not To Stretch?

It is in our fast paced nature to squeeze in workouts whenever we can, and forget about the self-care essentials to maintain a properly functioning… Continue Reading

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