Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Are Uterine Fibroids Ruining Your Life? Non-Surgical Procedure to Get Your Life Back

Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of theuterus(womb). Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous). Fibroids can grow as a single tumor,… Continue Reading

Breast Augmentation Fact and Fiction

Women want to look and feel terrific. If you are smart, inquisitive and always pushing yourself to look your best, you may have considered breast… Continue Reading

Improving a Leaky Bladder Eliminating Stress Incontinence In Women

If you're a woman, perhaps this has happened to you You sneeze, cough or start out on your morning walk, and then suddenly you leak… Continue Reading

Understanding Endometriosis

Understanding Endometriosis By Angela Marshall It may have a funny sounding name but there is nothing humorous about endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease in which… Continue Reading

Same Day Surgery, Weight Loss… A Lasting Investment

Don't Have Time For Expensive Diet Plans, Trainers? You have dieted and exercised and are finally back to your pre-baby weight. You even fit into… Continue Reading


Endometriosis is a condition where the inner-most layer of the uterus that is called endometrium, grows outside of the uterus. This tissue outside of the… Continue Reading

Angela Tarjick, DC

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care In Women’s Health

Today’s women are a busy yet health conscious group, who generally take care of themselves last. They are constantly on the run, leading to fatigue… Continue Reading

DualPortGYN Now You Have a Choice A New Advance In Minimally Invasive GYN Surgery

More than ever, patients need to be informed and prepared to ask questions in this era of managed care and HMOs. It is especially important… Continue Reading

Alternative Menopause Treatment

As women age, our bodies stop producing the same amount of hormones as when we were younger. Menopause literally means “end of monthly cycles.” But… Continue Reading

Soy Benefits Women and Men

Today, American women are struggling to stay healthy due to high stress combined with poor nutritional choices and inactivity. Consequently, many women are experiencing increased… Continue Reading

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