Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Breast Augmentation and the Keller Funnel An Important Option For Patients

According to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2012 approximately 72% of breast augmentation patients in the U.S. chose to have silicone breast implants… Continue Reading

Preparing For a Mammogram

Let's be honest there is nothing pleasant about having a mammogram. However, it is a very important screening tool for breast cancer and saves the… Continue Reading

Bladder Control Sacral Neuromodulation – The Bionic Bladder

For the ladies who have increased urinary urgency, frequency and not enough time to get to the bathroom, this one is for you. Let's say… Continue Reading

Living With Hot Flashes

For many women in menopause, hot flashes maybe a daily annoyance. For some women, hot flashes or hot flushes as the NIH refers to them,… Continue Reading

Raindrop Therapy Technique

Everyone wants to relax and live a balanced life. It feels good, and with less stress, most of the systems of the body feel better… Continue Reading

Women's Hormonal Health Natural Procreative Technology

Messed up hormones means a messed up life. Women go through a tremendous amount of hormonal changes every single month, but most women are woefully… Continue Reading

Health and the Integrated Person

We are not merely bodies. Quality medicine takes a holistic approach to each individual patient; listening to the story that their bodies are speaking through… Continue Reading

See your Unborn Baby In HD New 3D/4D Ultrasound

Anyone with a child remembers the first moment they were able to see their baby through the use of ultrasound technology, which has been in… Continue Reading

Calcium 101 For Women

Part 1 The primary importance of calcium for women is its function in the development and maintenance of strong bones. Ninety-nine percent of your body's… Continue Reading

Six Important Health Tests For Women

It is important that women take an active role in managing their health. In addition to doing moderate exercise every day, maintaining a healthy diet,… Continue Reading

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