Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Your Kitchen Can Help You Keep the Weight Off

What do you see when you open your refrigerator or pantry? Plenty of healthful options – or a big bag of potato chips or other… Continue Reading

Health Benefits Of Cardio-Kickboxing

In 2017, data from the CDC indicated that over 30% of adult Americans were classified as obese. Each new year many Americans make resolutions to… Continue Reading

Epigenetics: Which Vitamins Should I Take?

The new science of epigenetics is fast becoming an essential guide to both the treatment of diseases and the quest for feeling better and living… Continue Reading

Your Genetic Blueprint

There has been a fair amount of airtime given to genetic research in the news over the last year. Medical news articles keep popping up… Continue Reading

Mommy Makeover

When your children begin to address you as Mom or Mother rather than “Mommy,” the time may be near to consider doing something for yourself…. Continue Reading

Water and Heart Attacks

How many of you do no drink water just before bed because you are concerned about waking up in the middle of the night to… Continue Reading

5 Ways To Fight Sweets Cravings

It’s normal to crave something sweet now and then, especially during the summer months. Humans are hardwired to seek sweet tastes and when the weather… Continue Reading

Lyme Disease: Limiting Your Exposure To Ticks: Part Two

Part 2 Last month’s article discussed the signs and symptoms of Lyme Disease, as well as some tips on limiting your exposure to ticks. This… Continue Reading

Why It Is Important To Know Your Pharmacist

It is estimated that 98,000 people die each year from hospital-related medication errors and other medical errors, at a cost of $17 to $29 billion…. Continue Reading

What Does Your Stool Say About Your Gut Health?

Have you ever wondered if your stool is healthy? It may sound gross, but your stool can actually provide great insight into your gut health…. Continue Reading

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