Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Healthy Eyes Begin With Healthy Foods

As long as there aren't any congenital conditions, genetic disease processes or trauma, healthy eyes begin with healthy foods and a healthy lifestyle. Since there… Continue Reading

Growing Older

Inside every older man, there is a little boy who's wondering what in the world happened? I certainly feel that way. It was not long… Continue Reading

Combating the Aging Process Around the Eyes Is The Role Of Oculoplastic Surgeons

The eyelid skin and tissue surrounding the eye is one of the first areas to show signs of aging and may be the site of… Continue Reading

Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery A New Paradigm?

Femtosecond lasers have been used for the past 12 years to create corneal flaps during LASIK surgery. These types of lasers are now available to… Continue Reading

Good Vision, Good Grades, Good Sense

Most of the information a child receives in school is through their sense of vision. Good vision and proper vision care will help your child… Continue Reading

Attention Latisse Users

Latissee (bimatoprost) is a prescription drug used to enhance lash thickness and growth. It should only be used for patients with history of chemotherapy or… Continue Reading

Eye Floaters and Spots in Your Vision

A lot of my patients complain about seeing black spots floating in their vision from time to time. Or they report, “I have gnats around… Continue Reading

Myofascial Release

Like most people you immediately wonder, what is myofascial release? Myofascial release (or MFR) is a technique used by physical therapists, and others, to relieve… Continue Reading

How Lasik Can Improve Your Golf Game

Can having LASIK improve your golf game? If you listen to the hundreds of professional golfers who have had the procedure, the answer would be… Continue Reading

Why School Vision Screenings Are Not Enough

I recently attended a high school graduation of one of my dear patients who had had saved a place for me among her family attending…. Continue Reading

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