Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Aging Parents and the Holidays

Because the holidays provide us with many opportunities for family togetherness, the extra time spent with an aging loved one often reveals that Mom, Dad,… Continue Reading

Caregiver Stress During the Holidays

There are few certainties in life getting older is one of them, should we be so fortunate as to have a life that spans several… Continue Reading

Alzheimer's/Dementia During the Holidays

As we approach the fast pace of the holiday season, families are busy making plans to visit loved ones and participate in a blitz of… Continue Reading

Neck Pain

Neck pain is the second most common complaint among patients second only to lower back pain. Most people will experience neck pain at some point… Continue Reading

You Should Think About Your Bone Health

Research has shown that bone strength peaks between the ages of 20 and 30. This means that, after the age of 30, both men and… Continue Reading

Exercise For Osteoarthritis/Osteoporosis

Osteoarthritis can potentially be prevented with a good diet and regular exercise, a new expert review published in theNature Reviews Rheumatologyreports. Researchers from the University… Continue Reading

Buying a Residential Ramp Avoid These Common Mistakes

Residential Wheelchair Ramps are very popular for improving access in and out of a home. When done correctly, they are very useful and effective. When… Continue Reading

Why Are Walk-In Tubs So Popular?

A walk-in tub can greatly reduce the chance of falling when getting in and out of the tub or shower. The door opens, you step… Continue Reading

Why Are Stair Lifts So Popular?

A stair lift can eliminate the pain, fear and worry of using your stairs. Typical stair lift users are people experiencing pain or weakness in… Continue Reading

Studies Show Social Involvement Helps Keep Seniors Healthier

Seniors who are socially involved in their communities tend to live longer, are in better physical health, and face a lower risk of cognitive decline… Continue Reading

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