Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Physical Therapy For Back Pain

In addition to other nonsurgical treatments, patients with back pain often work with a physical therapist. Physical therapy and sports rehab treatments focus on relieving… Continue Reading

Knee Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is a disease caused by the breakdown and subsequent loss of cartilage in a joint. Cartilage is a… Continue Reading

The Importance Of Eating Breakfast

For years, it has been touted as the most important meal of the day. Then why are so many people doing without it? By skipping… Continue Reading

Whiplash Injuries You Might Have Whiplash and Not Know It

Did you know that eight of 10 people who see chiropractic doctors complaining of headaches or nervousness have been in auto accidents? Did you know… Continue Reading

Trigger Points What Are They?

Have you gone to see your massage therapist because you are stressed and have pain in your neck and shoulders? Maybe you have even experienced… Continue Reading

Competitor Shelf-Life?

There are many ways to quantify health these days and even more ways to quantify high level performance. The tools used to measure health and… Continue Reading

Impingement Syndrome

Impingement syndrome, or subacromial impingement syndrome, is one of the most common shoulder impairments. It can be caused by degeneration of or overuse injury to… Continue Reading

Physical Exercise and Cancer

According to a 2001 study, Physical Exercise Across the Cancer Experience (PEACE) is crucial during the entire cancer process. People who exercise regularly have lower… Continue Reading

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Edwin, a 34-year-old housepainter living in Maryland, had done it almost every morning without thinking. He put his watch on his wrist and maneuvered the… Continue Reading

Variety Is The Spice Of Running

Sometimes runners get hooked on the same running routine. Motivation and joy can languish. Perhaps even more important, you can miss the opportunity to make… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130