Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Treatment Of Chronic Pain

In the past month I have spoken with a number of people in the community about their chronic pain and lack of progress after a… Continue Reading

Degenerative Disc Disease – Pain Management

Degenerative disc disease can occur in any region of the spine; however, it most commonly occurs in the lumbar spine.Doctors are not sure of the… Continue Reading

Seeing Well As You Grow Older

Our eyesight is our most precious sense. Fortunately, our eyes require little maintenance and for most of us will give us good vision as we… Continue Reading

ACL Injuries In Young Athletes

An ACL injury is the tearing of the anterior cruciate (pronounced KROO-she-ate) ligament, inside your knee joint. An ACL injury most commonly occurs during sports… Continue Reading

Taking Care of a Sprained Ankle

Chris first sprained his ankles when he was 14 years old. He was riding a spirited horse that decided to dart forward unexpectedly. Chris tumbled… Continue Reading

Diabetic Neuropathy and Physical Therapy

Diabetic neuropathy is a special type of nerve damage that occurs particularly in diabetics. When your sugar levels are higher than normal, it damages the… Continue Reading

Headaches and Chiropractic Adjustments

When the general public considers treatments for headaches, the most obvious treatment is over-the-counter pain medication or prescriptions. Chiropractic is commonly overlooked, despite the fact… Continue Reading

The Discomfort Of Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is a painful condition, especially if an individual has had a pre-existing hip injury. Athletes involved in repetitive movements like running or bicycling… Continue Reading

Improve Your Life With Structural Yoga Therapy

More and more doctors are referring their patients to yoga therapy as a solution to chronic back pain. Yoga therapy is a more holistic approach… Continue Reading

Satisfied With Back Pain?

The prestigious medical journal Spine published an extensive study that revealed that back pain patients are more satisfied with chiropractic care than traditional healthcare. This… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130