Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Treatment of Spinal Fractures

It is often a scary and confusing diagnosis if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a spinal fracture. In this article, we… Continue Reading

Relief From Fibromyalgia Pain

If you haven't had your life stolen away by fibromyalgia, this might not seem like much. One of the symptoms of fibromyalgia is widespread pain… Continue Reading

Vaginal Numbness and Testicular Pain "Why" Tight Shortened Muscles Can Refer Pain To This Area

Believe it or not I have had quite a few patients come in and complain of back pain and other assorted pains and then sheepishly… Continue Reading

Balance and Fall Prevention

A fall is defined as coming down suddenly from an upright position. One in every three adults 65 and older fall each year in the… Continue Reading

Help For Pain When Back Surgery Fails

Spine surgeons perform back surgery to reduce or eliminate a patient's chronic back or leg pain due to a spinal nerve compression. If you've had… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy and Breast Health

Most people wouldn't know it, but physical therapists provide quite a bit of treatment to restore and maintain breast health. From post-operative care for a… Continue Reading

Advancements In Minimally Invasive Vein Procedures

For many years, surgery was the only treatment available for many conditions. Today, minimally invasive procedures using x-rays, ultrasound, and other imaging guidance are often… Continue Reading

Causes Of Back and Neck Pain

Pain in the back or neck may be caused by normal daily activities, injury, trauma, illness, wear and tear of the spine, degeneration, dehydration of… Continue Reading

Getting Back To What You Love The End Of Knee Pain

Knee pain doesn't discriminate. It affects the athlete, who had to give up basketball, because his knees ached with every step; the grandmother, who can't… Continue Reading

The Pain Relieving Power Of Epidural Injections

If you are suffering from acute or chronic back and/or leg pain, epidural injections may offer you substantial pain relief without surgery. This procedure, also… Continue Reading

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