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Why You Are Unable To Conceive: Part Two

Part Two Infertility may be caused by more than one factor. Some causes are easily found and treated, while others are not. In some cases,… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Increasing Fertility

Around 10-12% of women in the United States have difficulty getting and staying pregnant. One in eight couples are struggling with fertility. Unfortunately, as these… Continue Reading

Why You Are Unable To Conceive

Part One Many couples who want to have a child are not able to do so. About 15% of couples in the United States are… Continue Reading

Treating Infertility – Part 1

Many couples who want to have a child have not been able to do so. About 15% of couples in the United States are infertile…. Continue Reading

Treating Infertility – Part 2

Infertility may be caused by more than one factor. Some causes are easily found and treated, while others are not. In some cases, no cause… Continue Reading

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. However, couples who experience pregnancy loss are also unable to complete… Continue Reading

Prevention of Multiple Pregnancies in IVF

Invitro fertilization (IVF) is now an integral and established treatment for infertility, and the number continues to increase (currently accounting for more than 1% of… Continue Reading

Pregnancies Using Donor Eggs

Delaying childbirth and age-related infertility are the most common causes of infertility in large cities in the US. A large proportion of infertility patients presenting… Continue Reading

Selecting an IVF Program

When selecting an IVF program, information is crucial. Several points are important to consider, including the qualifications and experience of personnel, types of patients being… Continue Reading

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