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Living Even Better With Bioidentical Hormones

When it comes to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause, there are many questions: is it safe? Will it work? Is it just a pill? … Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

Safe and Effective: Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

Bio-identical hormone replacement is a method of balancing and optimizing the hormonal status of men and women, offering a wide array of health benefits. This… Continue Reading

Hormone Therapy Combats Wrinkles

Discover how hormone therapy can combat wrinkles as explained by New Day Vitality Hormone Center. Learn more about the benefits of hormone replacement therapy from this informative article.

Living Even Better With Bio-Identical Hormones

When it comes to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause, there are many questions: is it safe? Will it work? Is it just a pill?… Continue Reading

Living Even Better With Bioidentical Hormones

When it comes to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause, there are many questions: Is it safe? Will it work? Is it just a pill? … Continue Reading

Hormone Therapy Combats Wrinkles

As if hot flashes and mood swings weren’t enough, the Journal of Gynecological Endocrinology states, “there is a strong correlation between skin collagen loss and… Continue Reading

7 Reasons To Consider Hormones

“I was tired, depressed and gaining weight,” said Jim, aged 45 “and supplementing my hormones changed all that!” Adding a little estrogen, testosterone, thyroid or… Continue Reading

HRT in Millersville, MD and Crofton, MD

More people every day are looking for a safer more effective way to manage their hormones, with consistent results, and without serious potential side effects…. Continue Reading

New Year…New You: How Hormone Replenishment Can Help

“I feel like I’ve gotten my life back,” says Sherri W., bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) patient, who had suffered with insomnia, irritability, and other… Continue Reading
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