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Getting the Most Out Of Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aid manufacturers know that satisfied clients lead to repeat business and to positive word-of-mouth advertising for their products. Audiologists allow significant interaction with the… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss and the Holiday Season These Communication Strategies Can Help

The sounds of the holidays, joyous music, lively conversation and family gatherings, are a cherished part of every holiday season. But if a loved one… Continue Reading

The Consequences Of Untreated Hearing Loss

You are probably the best judge of whether or not your hearing has declined. Your hearing should be checked if you experience more than a… Continue Reading

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act Of 2017

According to Steve Pociask of the American Consumer Institute, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and the consumer technology lobby are making a big push in support… Continue Reading

Causes and Effects Of Hearing Loss

Causes Diabetes. Hearing loss occurs almost twice as often in adults who have diabetes than in those who don't, likely due to inner ear changes… Continue Reading

Protect Your Hearing On a Daily Basis

The ability to hear is a gift it's something to value and protect because typically, once it's gone, you can't get it back. Here are… Continue Reading

Rechargeable Hearing Aid Options

The newest generation of rechargeable battery technologies are making life easier for hearing aid consumers. Two new rechargeable hearing aid models and an innovative new… Continue Reading

Five Steps To Better Hearing

Having a hearing loss is not something that anyone gets excited about. However, with the right attitude and approach, it can actually be a very… Continue Reading

Ringing In the Ears

Do you ever hear ringing, buzzing, or chirping? This is a common side effect of listening to loud noise or of natural aging. Whether it… Continue Reading

Common Myths About Wearing a Hearing Aid

For many, it takes years of struggles with misunderstanding speech in conversations, not hearing in noisy social settings and difficulties listening on the phone before… Continue Reading

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