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Hearing Aids Help More Than Hearing

Hearing loss tends to come on gradually. Most people live with hearing loss for 10 long years before getting hearing aids – and miss out… Continue Reading

Accessorize Your Hearing

Hearing aids are electronic medical devices that are designed to work with one’s residual hearing to improve hearing ability. Modern hearing aids are of digital… Continue Reading

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

The Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aid Act of 2017 is reported as consumer-focused: “This bill will improve consumer access to hearing aids by making them available… Continue Reading

Ringing In Your Ears? You’re In Good Company

According to an article by Brande Plotnick, MS, MBA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that at least 45 million Americans suffer from… Continue Reading

May Is Better Hearing Month

Hearing loss affects almost 50 million Americans today. Although hearing problems are commonly associated with the normal aging process, more than half of all hearing-impaired… Continue Reading

Everyone Should Get Their Hearing Checked

A Greek philosopher once said, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Unfortunately, for… Continue Reading

Why See an Audiologist?

There is confusion these days about who is providing hearing services. When someone purchases a hearing aid, it is important to know who is doing… Continue Reading

Is Your Hearing Sound? What You’ll Read In the Next “Two Minutes” Will Benefit You For a Lifetime

About one in four United States adults who report “excellent” to “good” hearing already have some hearing damage, according to the Centers for Disease Control… Continue Reading

State-of-the-Art Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can help you hear better on the phone, watching TV, in a theater, and even in a noisy restaurant. Latest technology computer-programmed hearing… Continue Reading

Did You Know? Statistics On Hearing Loss

Having a hearing loss today is not as uncommon as one may believe. However, it seems as if seeking treatment is less likely to occur… Continue Reading

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