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See an Audiologist For Dizziness

Audiologists are health care professionals who assess, treat and educate to prevent hearing and balance (vestibular) problems. Audiologists are trained to evaluate each patient for… Continue Reading

Earwax Impaction

As efficient as they are for removing earwax, Q-tips and cotton swabs may actually do more harm than good to your ears. Wax blockage is… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss The Shocking Statistics

Over 36 million American adults have some degree of hearing loss. That is over four times the amount of people who live in New York… Continue Reading

Don't Be Fooled By the Gimmicks Become an Educated Consumer Of Hearing Aids – Part 2

Part Two An educated consumer should discuss the following questions before investing in their hearing health care or hearing aids Who is your potential provider?… Continue Reading

Hearing Help

The Better Hearing Institute reports, “It would seem that hearing is a second-rate sense when compared to vision in our visually-oriented modern society. People with… Continue Reading

Don't Be Fooled By the Gimmicks

There are 325 million people in the U.S. and of those people 35 million have hearing loss. Three out of four individuals with hearing loss… Continue Reading

Communication Problems Treatment Can Improve Quality Of Life

Millions of individuals suffer from a variety of communication challenges and disorders that affect their daily lives. Communication problems are serious. They isolate us from… Continue Reading

You Hear Through Your Hair

No, not the hair on top of your head, but through the hair cells in your inner ear. Let's say the teller at your bank… Continue Reading

Today's Hearing Aids

High-performance technology and style have merged with durability and ease-of-use when it comes to today's hearing aids. The options are so varied there is an… Continue Reading

Experiencing Grief

We have all experienced grief as a response to some form of loss. While we may associate grief with loss of a loved one, grief… Continue Reading

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