Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Advanced Technology To Improve Your Smile

Research has shown that the number one thing people find attractive in another person is their smile. Also, it's been proven that just by the… Continue Reading

The Investment Of Orthodontic Care The Return That Lasts a Lifetime

Research supports that a beautiful smile opens doors for career advancement and greater opportunities, paving the way to social acceptance, improved self-esteem and perceived beauty…. Continue Reading

Patients With Complete Dentures

Many patients who wear full (complete) dentures believe that because they do not have any teeth, they do not have to go for regular exams… Continue Reading

Snoring Minor Annoyance Or Life-Threatening Symptom?

Snoring can be an annoyance that disturbs one's spouse or significant other. Snoring may also be a symptom of a life-threatening condition called obstructive sleep… Continue Reading

Beating Caregiver Stress

Most Americans will be informal caregivers at some point during their lives. Each year more than 44 million Americans (21% of the adult population) provide… Continue Reading

The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Link To Pain and Pain Management

The purpose of this article is to clarify relationships between the human anatomy responsible for the control of air flow in breathing and our experience… Continue Reading

Dental Implants Don't Wait To Replace Your Missing Teeth!

Dental implants are today's standard of care for replacing missing teeth and securing removable dentures. In the past few years, improvements in dental implant technology… Continue Reading

Elder Abuse Dentists Often the First Line of Defense

With the American population living longer, seniors' oral health has become an important issue, as has the widespread problem of elder abuse. Everyyear more than… Continue Reading

Women's Health In Dentistry

In today's world, women carry several responsibilities of the family and that include scheduling routine dental and wellness appointments. For dental wellness it is recommended… Continue Reading

What Exactly Is a Dental Implant?

You and your dentist can work together to keep your natural teeth as healthy, functional, pain-free, and beautiful as possible. However, sometimes we lose teeth… Continue Reading

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