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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kimberly Townes
Women's Health In Dentistry
Floss and Smile

Women's Health In Dentistry

In today's world, women carry several responsibilities of the family and that include scheduling routine dental and wellness appointments. For dental wellness it is recommended to have biannual exams and cleanings. As for home care, mothers usually carry the responsibility of overseeing their children learn how to brush their teeth properly twice a day and eventually flossing. This oversight is to train the child into being able to care for themselves as they get older and to minimize the potential for more serious dental issues that can develop due to lack of dental hygiene.

As for proper dental techniques, mothers should enforce a good routine for brushing in the morning and at night. Toothbrushes should be of soft grade and used with fluoridated toothpaste. Children should be monitored to emphasize the importance of getting it done without rushing and brushing in circular motions to include all of the surfaces of the teeth. Special attention should be in holding the toothbrush towards the gum line at a 45 degree angle. Once there is contact between the teeth, use of dental floss should be incorporated. Parents can teach their children how to floss their teeth using either traditional dental floss or disposable dental flossers. Eventually, the child should be taught how to floss their teeth on their own.

Not only as mothers, but as workforce professionals, women have to be cognitive of their overall health to include general medical issues, such as mental, emotional, and cardiovascular health. On top of that, there's diet and exercise. Now keep in mind that this is usually the same check list that mothers have to monitor for everyone in the household.

Dental health is such a key component to a healthy life style that we find that women comprise 63 percent of our patient population. Some of the most common dental concerns that are addressed are routine check-ups, cleaning, preventive maintenance and, pain prevention. Other issues addressed are certain cosmetic procedures such as, whitening, orthodontic straightening, ceramic crowns and, veneers. Given the life struggles of career and relationship changes, we also see women making it a priority of complete dental makeovers that include a combination of cosmetic and routine dental procedures.
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