Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Coping With Loss: Helping Children Celebrate the Holidays

Adults play an important role in helping children grieve, especially during the holidays when emotions and reminders of a loss can feel more intense. The… Continue Reading

Bullying Prevention

Nearly one in five students is bullied each year. Teachers and parents are looking for ways to make their child’s classrooms safe, supportive learning environments…. Continue Reading

Preventing Childhood Obesity

About one in every five children in the United States has obesity, with certain groups being more affected than others. It is never too early… Continue Reading

Enjoying Summer and Everything It Brings

An author once wrote, “A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn… Continue Reading

The Power Of Play

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” -Plato People often think of play as… Continue Reading

You’re Invited! – Barstow Acres Children’s Center

Please join our FREE upcoming highly educational webinars, available for any community member, parent and childcare worker: June 7th – Parent/Child Collaborative Problem Solving –… Continue Reading

COVID and Children: Helping Your Child Navigate the Challenges of the Pandemic

Parents and children are experiencing worsening mental health problems during the pandemic. Anxiety and depression are on the rise and are often exhibited in children… Continue Reading

Joy Of Learning

As parents, teachers and anyone involved in the teaching of children we must look first to ourselves and then to our environment to be sure… Continue Reading

Food Insecurity During a Pandemic

Food insecurity has been defined as, “the lack of consistent access, quality and availability of food for an active, healthy life.” The number of households… Continue Reading

Gregory Cardinal, DPM, MS

Common Foot Conditions In Children

Children can present with many worrisome problems to the new parent and some that get overlooked quite frequently occur in their feet.  Yes, flat feet,… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130