Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer in general is a disease of the elderly and screening has been a big topic of medical conversation and controversy forever even though… Continue Reading

The Silent Operator

Ovarian cancer is generally detected when it is in stage III or IV. Early detection for this particular cancer is usually an incidental finding because… Continue Reading

Standing Firm For Your Health

It's been nearly one year since the controversial 2009 United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation that women have screening mammography only between the… Continue Reading

The Big "C"…What's It All About?

Thankfully, there have been many wonderful advances in the treatment of cancer and more people are surviving and surviving well. Surgery is less radical, chemotherapy… Continue Reading

Surgery For Skin Cancer

Each year approximately 700,000 people develop skin cancer, making it the most common malignancy. Ten thousand people die each year from skin cancer, mostly from… Continue Reading

Mammography Screening Who, What, When?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women (except for skin cancer), and it is one of the leading causes of cancer death in… Continue Reading

What You Need To Know About Acupuncture and Cancer

Cancer has become so common that most of us know at least one person who has been diagnosed with some form of it. It is… Continue Reading

Imaging For Breast Cancer

I have heard many excuses for not having a mammogram I don't have time; It's painful; I don't have breast cancer in my family; I… Continue Reading

Lymphedema What Every Woman With Breast Cancer Should Know

Women whohave been treatedfor breast cancer may be at risk for lymphedema, or arm swelling. Many womenwho have had breast cancer will not develop this… Continue Reading

Asking Questions, Getting Answers For Good Health

Over 26,000 Marylanders are reported with cancer each year. We can be grateful for our excellent physicians, diagnostic tools and treatments. But we can’t simply… Continue Reading

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