Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Treating Foot and Ankle Arthritis

While there are over 100 types of arthritis, the one that most commonly affects the foot and ankle is osteoarthritis (“osteo” means bone). Osteoarthritis develops… Continue Reading

Varicose Veins and Pelvic Pain

Many people hear the term “varicose veins” and automatically think about their legs. While varicose veins typically affect the legs, they can also affect other… Continue Reading

Whole Foods Plant Based Diet

There is an abundance of scientific evidence that clearly shows that a diet rich in animal based products, and refined processed foods dramatically increases your… Continue Reading

Hearing Is Believing It's a Fact

Improved hearing can benefit your overall quality of life by helping you Feel included and participate more in group settings Regain lost closeness with friends… Continue Reading

Give Your Brain What It's Begging For

Yes, there is something new under the sun. It is a new holistic brain rebalancing approach to recovery. Pioneer researcher in the field of addiction,… Continue Reading


“Holding to the same principles or practice”, (Websters) literally defines the meaning of consistency and the difficulty it creates. When dealing with any form of… Continue Reading

Beautiful Skin For a Lifetime

Who doesnt like a “quick fix?” Everywhere we look, someone always seems to be offering the next, greatest, quickest solution to an age-old problem. Most… Continue Reading

Are You Ready For Allergy Season?

Springtime is just around the corner and that means that seasonal allergies will be in full swing very soon. Spring is such a beautiful time… Continue Reading

How's Your Smile?

Would you like whiter teeth? Would you like straighter teeth? Would you like to close the spaces between your teeth? Would a more attractive smile… Continue Reading

Your Lymph System Keeps Your Body In Shape

Whether you are fighting a cold or flu, or trying to melt away unsightly cellulite, your lymph system is a key defensive and offensive player…. Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130