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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Stan Stokes, MS, LPC
Give Your Brain What It's Begging For
Bridging The Gaps

Give Your Brain What It's Begging For

Yes, there is something new under the sun. It is a new holistic brain rebalancing approach to recovery. Pioneer researcher in the field of addiction, Dr. R.J Williams is his 1959 book Alcoholism The Nutritional Approach, noted the settling effects of giving amino acids to alcoholics and how restoring nutritional deficiencies restored well being to addicts.

This discovery of a correlation between the brains “hunger” and one's individual cravings has opened new research and findings that indicate the inherent value of Amino Acid supplementation.

In a struggle to stay sober, some people claim to intuitively know that the emotional rollercoaster they were on was not a result of ineffective counseling, addiction treatment or a lack of diligence in practicing a twelve-step program. It has been stated as a realization motivating them to find a way to be at peace and “comfortable in their own skin.”

Nutritional and amino acid therapy (oral and by IV) have been studied with promising results to help eliminate the anxiety and depression experienced by those on the road to recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.

Julia Ross, well-known author on the subject, The Mood Cure, 2002, calls the physical consequences of addiction a “brain wreck.” What needs to happen is simple but not well known the brain needs to have what it is craving. The amino acids that are lacking must be replaced and the nutritional deficiencies must be addressed.

Through individual assessment, a person interested in this cutting edge approach to sobriety can be given their own uniquely designed nutritional supplement, either orally, or by IV, of the specific natural amino acids that their brain is begging for.

Those who once suffered the intolerable nuances of chemical addiction can have the opportunity to experience a lasting sense of well being and be given a stronger chance to live a natural life healthy and free of addiction.

Pfeiffer's Law “For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.”

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