Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

New Fat Reduction Treatment

There is a new weapon in the battle of the bulge and it may help you win the war. Zerona uses a laser that causes… Continue Reading

Facts About Men and Cosmetic Surgical Procedures

An annual study by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) reveals that since 2000 there has been a 60% increase in… Continue Reading

Skin Care 101 Microdermabrasion

The best part of the skin is its ability to repair itself. Why not use that to our advantage? Several products and procedures are available… Continue Reading

Which Facial Filler Is Right For You?

Narrowing Down the Playing Field Facial fillers, also known as “dermal fillers,” have changed the cosmetic arena dramatically over the last decade giving patients more… Continue Reading

Dermatologists Offer Several Cosmetic Procedures

Today, there are more cosmetic products and procedures available than ever before. If you want to look younger, feel more confident or save time off… Continue Reading

Where Did Your Hair Go?

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is typically related to heredity, aging, and testosterone. Other causes of hair loss may include female hormonal changes, i.e…. Continue Reading

Creating a Natural, More Youthful Look

Facial fillers that offer temporary results have long been the primary option available to individuals seeking to correct mid-facial winkles and creases. Frequent office visits… Continue Reading

FDA Grants Zerona Market Clearance

A new technology known as Zerona, a 'cold' laser, has been granted market clearance by the FDA for “use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment… Continue Reading

Eyebrow Lifts

As we age, our eyebrows tend to gradually droop. Many patients who are considering eyelid procedures complain of eyelids that are droopy (eyelid ptosis), redundant… Continue Reading

Acne Fast Facts

Acne is a disorder of the skin's sebaceous glands that results in clogged pores and lesions commonly called pimples or zits. Although acne is not… Continue Reading

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