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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Alissa Harakal, ACSM
Stay Fit In Your Home: The Basics
Body Design by Alissa

Stay Fit In Your Home: The Basics

It’s always fun to go to a Pilates studio and take a class, but sometimes you’re just not able to get out of the house. A crazy schedule could be holding you back, but you also may not feel comfortable hitting the Pilates studio quite yet with the pandemic. There’s no need to worry, your fitness does not have to suffer during this time.

Not only is it super convenient to have a studio in the privacy of your own home, but it does not have to take a lot of money to start. Even if you don’t have a lot of space within your home, carve out a place specifically for fitness. Your exercise space should feel inviting, that way this can help you look forward to your workouts.

Everyone is working with a different budget. Below are recommendations for creating an in-home gym if you are tight on money or space. The equipment in the essentials don’t take up much room and are must haves for your fitness space. The next level fitness equipment is a bit more of an investment, but will add variety and challenge to routine. 

The Essentials

A set of light weights and heavy weights. Lifting weights is essential to increasing muscle mass and metabolism. Choose weights between 3-10 pounds to start with. As you get stronger, increase reps and then purchase heavier weights.

Exercise bands. Bands are perfect when recreating exercises from machines. Bands are cheap and perfect for people who have little space. 

The Next Level

A balance ball. A balance ball will challenge you and tone your entire core. The ball allows you to work your abs in a different way by forcing them to move through a greater range of motion and maintain abdominal engagement throughout each exercise. Abdominal crunches, oblique crunches and seated arm exercises are great to perform on the balance ball.

A bosu ball. A bosu ball will add extra challenge and core engagement to squats, arm exercises and Pilates. 

A foam roller. The foam roller will add a balance challenge to abdominal exercises and can also help relieve muscular tension. 

EZ sliders. EZ sliders are made for moving furniture, but are also an awesome tool to tone your buns and inner and outer thighs.
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