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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Vision and Your Third Eye
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Vision and Your Third Eye

Vision is the ability to see. We see not only through our physical eyes, but also through the third eye, the metaphorical extra eye that allows for higher perception

Our thinking process is believed to be 90% visual. Vision is our conscious mind and our unconsciousness mind that affects our behavior in all that we see and do. What we physically see is distorted by our mind, which creates an illusion that becomes our reality. Our consciousness creates the picture we hold in our minds.

The images we see with our physical eyes, are not the same images we see with our third eye. The third eye holds memories that can distort our perception that commands our reality.

Our sight gives us guidance. We can see where we have been and where we are going. Our consciousness tells us what to do.

Physical perception reveals something that exists, however the inner sight of our third eye interprets what it is. The inner eye's purpose is to see the way and bring light of consciousness to all that exists within and around us.

Through the perception of our inner sight, we sometimes run into illusions. For instance, we may feel that someone dislikes us. We begin to support that thought with the action of the person we think doesn't like us. They may be talking to someone with their back to us, and in our mind we think they are talking about us. What we perceived is not necessarily true.

Intuition is the unconscious recognition of patterns. Without the third eye we cannot see the essence of something. We use intuition to embrace the mystery that opens us to the larger, cosmic world.

To see clearly through the mind's eye, one must meditate, study positive lessons, and read positive books. To see clearly is to let go of anything that cannot be measured and to let go of the past. You do not have to forget the past, because the patterns in the sub-consciousness mind will not let that happen, however, you can create new patterns in the sub-consciousness mind that will create a new pattern in the brain and body. Breathing patterns can bring about change in the body and vision in your spiritual eye the third eye.

Inhale deeply and exhale fully, see, feel, live, and love.

Sat Nam/Namaste.

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