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How Sleep Issues Affect Overall Health and Simple Solutions to Improve Rest
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How Sleep Issues Affect Overall Health and Simple Solutions to Improve Rest

How Sleep Issues Affect Overall Health and Simple Solutions to Improve Rest

When was the last time you truly had a good night’s sleep? With so much constantly going on around us, with so many screens and gadgets constantly beeping and keeping our attention scattered, getting quality sleep has never been more important, and yet, it’s getting harder and harder to achieve.

The truth is that we’re used to sacrificing our sleep first whenever something doesn’t go according to plan, even though the opposite should be the norm. Sleep is the most restorative process (along with meditation) our body needs in order to function properly and serve us well. From cognitive function and hormonal balance to the immune system and cardiovascular health, sleep issues affect every system in our body, so if you’re facing difficulty in this area, here are some tips on what you can do.

How does lack of sleep affect your well-being?

If you’re questioning the importance of sleep, just ask yourself – how do you feel during the day after you slept poorly? Chances are you’re sluggish, irritable, and feel like you were run over by a bus. Well, that’s how your metabolism feels as well because it didn’t get enough time to restore, rest, and regain balance, so everything feels off. If poor sleep issues continue, the symptoms become worse, and different systems in your body start to glitch and break down.

This means that lack of sleep can trigger many health problems if you’re not careful. Sleep issues can:

  • Significantly affect your mental health. If you’re dealing with chronic sleep deprivation, it’s important to know that this condition is usually closely connected with heightened anxiety, depression, restlessness, and irritability. This is where a vicious cycle starts because these feelings and low moods can make it harder to fall asleep. You can use Quiet Mind’s weighted anxiety pillow or similar aid to help you with these issues, and some people also react well to soothing sounds, weighted blankets, and meditation before going to bed.
  • Wreak havoc on your immune system. We already mentioned that the body needs deep rest to function and keep the immune system strong. Without that rest, the body can’t produce protein cytokines that help reduce inflammation and fight infections. If your immune system isn’t working properly, you’re more vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, and further complications with existing health issues.

  •  Increase risks of cardiovascular diseases. Your immune system and heart are very closely connected, and when one suffers, the other usually follows the lead. Constantly dealing with sleep deprivation can lead to faster heart rate, increased blood pressure, and inflammation that can spread to the cardiovascular system, causing issues like heart attack, hypertension, and even stroke.

  • Unbalance your hormones. We already mentioned that sleep deprivation can mess up your hormones, and leptin and ghrelin, the hormones in charge of your appetite and satiety signals, are usually among the first ones to get out of control. This can lead to unwanted weight gain, not to mention that hormone changes can also spike your insulin sensitivity, which can result in insulin resistance and diabetes. On the other side, because your body is struggling with energy levels and lack of rest, this can cause cortisol to rise, further fueling the sense of anxiety, irritability, and overall emotional instability.

Simple Solutions to Help Ensure You Sleep Better

As you can see, lack of sleep can spark a slew of health problems if it goes unchecked. While the reasons behind sleep issues can be complex and require help from a professional, here are some simple solutions you can try out first.

  • Clean up your bedtime routine. What you do a couple of hours before you go to bed directly affects the quality of your sleep. That’s why it’s vital to create a soothing bedtime routine, which will signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. This means staying away from screens at least an hour before bed (preferably two) and spending some time journaling, reading, having a relaxing bath, doing breathing exercises, meditation, or whatever else helps your body calm down.

  • Give the sleep schedule a try. This solution may not be too glamorous or fun, but it certainly is effective. Create a sleep schedule that ensures you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Over time, this could do wonders for your circadian rhythm because consistency reinforces healthy sleep patterns and can make it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

  • Be mindful of what you eat and drink in the evenings. One of the main relaxing signals your body gets is when it doesn’t have anything to digest or have any stimulants in the bloodstream. That’s why it’s highly recommended to have a light dinner and to limit caffeine and alcohol intake. Otherwise, your body will be busy digesting a large meal, caffeine will keep you up and on edge, and the effects of alcohol will prevent deep sleep.
  • Exercise regularly. If your body gets physically tired during the day, chances are that sleep will come easier to you. Working out four or more days a week will help you reduce stress and ensure your body’s internal clock is in check so that when bedtime comes, you’re actually ready for it.


Keeping an eye on your sleep hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your health. While it’s easy to take it for granted, quality sleep can make all the difference between how you feel and how you perceive life on a day-to-day basis. Be mindful of your bedtime routine, leave your phone out of your bedroom, and dedicate some time to relaxation before bed. Your body and mind will thank you.
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