Complete Physical Therapy
6309 Baltimore Avenue
Riverdale, MD 20737
(301) 699-1580
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Schedule a Yearly Physical Therapy Checkup
Yearly visits to the primary care physician and the dentist are often scheduled six months to one year in advance, and have become non-negotiable annual health “checkups.” The impact of these visits on your health cannot be underestimated, however, you might be overlooking the health of other parts of the body that are vital to proper function and form. When you make the healthcare rounds this year, consider adding a trip to the physical therapist to the list.
Physical therapists (PTs) are trained to address the specific needs of your musculoskeletal system, which is comprised of your muscles, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and other connective tissues. An annual PT “checkup” can ensure that these essential internal structures are working together to support, stabilize and move your body. During an annual visit, a PT will gather the patient's health history and perform a series of test and measures, including a screening of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems. PTs also take into consideration physical work requirements, exercise routines and home activities during these assessments.
Research shows that by performing several types of functional movement screens, physical therapists can more fully assess their patients' functional movement deficits as well as tract and interpret their strengths and weaknesses. Physical therapists in outpatient therapy services include information regarding the beneficiaries' functional limitations on the claim form to capture the data on the functional limitation. Physical therapists then use their clinical judgment in addition to data from tests and measurement tools to determine the severity of the patient's functional limitation. Based on all information gathered, the PT is equipped to design an individualized program to correct and prevent injuries.
The tests and screens that a PT might perform during an annual checkup to assess your strength, stability and mobility are not all that different from what you can expect during an annual exam with your primary care physician. Just as PTs do, physicians follow a checklist Check your blood pressure, listen to your heart and check your oxygen level, and then collect blood and urine samples to identify or rule out health issues like high cholesterol or metabolic disorders like diabetes. The information collected can be compared with last year's results to reveal any inconsistencies that could signal problems. Similarly, during an annual physical therapy appointment, your PT captures an overall picture of your musculoskeletal health that can be compared from year to year.
The Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association champions the success of physical therapist-owned businesses. It offers support to physical therapists to develop them as current leaders and innovators in the health care system.
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