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Robert Wagner, MD
Neck Pain New Biologic Treatment Activates Body's Own Healing Mechanism
National Spine & Pain Centers
. http://www.treatingpain.com

Neck Pain New Biologic Treatment Activates Body's Own Healing Mechanism

The neck is a complicated support structure for the head. An issue in one area can create a whole range of symptoms, including spasms, headaches, and shooting pains. Neck pain is common, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it. New treatments are available that can help treat the pain by targeting the original source.

Neck Pain Causes and Traditional Treatments

The neck is comprised of ligaments, supporting joints called facets and discs. Pain can start with something as severe as whiplash from a motor vehicle accident, or be as simple as overexertion. It's important to find the true source of the pain. Damage in one area of the neck can affect many systems.

To help diagnose the source of pain, anesthetic plus a small amount of cortisone can be injected at the suspected site. If the neck pain is temporarily relieved, then the source is discovered. Further treatment with cortisone can treat 95% of typical neck problems.

In some cases, the nerve is the issue. A treatment to desensitize the nerve, called Radiofrequency Denervation (RF), can eliminate pain for anywhere from 6-18 months. While both treatments are effective, the actual cause of the pain is not being addressed. Fortunately, new treatments are available that can activate real healing for neck injuries.

Treating Neck Pain with Biologic Regenerative Treatments

Biologic regenerative treatments use the body's natural healing process to create a long-lasting solution to neck pain. This new, biologic treatment protocol, Regenexx, offer several benefits

Prolotherapy contains a solution of concentrated dextrose and local anesthetic to stimulate the body's natural ability to encourage new tissue growth.

PRP uses growth factors in a patient's own blood to start the healing process by attracting repair cells, including critical stem cells.

Platelet Lysate solution uses a high concentration of growth factors released immediately into the body. The result is a targeted, faster healing process and is particularly effective for patients suffering from radiating nerve pain.

In some cases, regenerative treatments can help avoid surgery. In other cases, regenerative treatments can help when surgery does not fully alleviate the pain. Surgery for a pinched nerve or herniated disc may only be treating part of the problem. Regenerative treatments can make sure ligaments and tendons grow stronger, so the patient can heal completely.

Instead of a lifelong injury, real relief can potentially be experienced in just 2-4 treatments, and the healing can be permanent. Regenexx doctors also track actual patient outcomes, adjusting treatments for optimal results.

What If I Have an Old Injury?

By activating the body's healing mechanisms, even an old injury can be helped with biological regenerative treatments. A physician trained in the Regenexx protocol is one of the best ways to maximize results when treating neck conditions. If you or someone you love suffers from neck pain, consider using biologically based treatments.

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